Freak: The True Story of an Insecurity Addict™ is a non-fiction memoir with names changed to protect the guilty. This memoir is a raw, uncensored look into the mind of an insecurity addict as she lays bare how childhood abuse really screws up adult decision-making. Darkly funny, it is a story which one reader described as “I have never laughed so hard or cried so much simultaneously in my life.” Brace yourself. Subtle it ain’t.

Hurt Magic™ is an illustrated children’s book. This is a story which shows the damage caused by childhood bullying and/or abuse – and a way to believe in magic again. The author says, “I wanted to create a book that would have comforted me, helped me as a child. Something which wouldn’t blame me for not being brave, something which can help every child learn to heal and love themselves again.”

Manifest Destiny is a science fiction novel set in the future. Dolly discovers a terrible global secret which puts her life and her friends’ lives in danger. Tracked by microscopic tracers, corporate mercenaries, and even those she trusts, Dolly must run from an enemy who has eyes and ears everywhere.

Robin The Mighty Red Breast™ is an illustrated children’s book. This children’s story tells the legend of Robin the Mighty Red Breast, a fearless superhero in feathers who grew from a tiny hatchling to the fierce protector of the neighborhood wildlife.

Pen and Petri™ is a serialized comic strip. The comic strip features a comic book loving eccentric artist, her gorgeous grad school scientist husband, and their ever mischievous daughter.